Masters of Ceremony

Our basketball program is proud to feature dynamic, passionate emcees who create excitement and engagement across all of our media platforms. Through expert commentary, compelling video content, and engaging podcast participation, these emcees bring our basketball program to life. Although they each have their own unique style and approach, they all share the same love and enthusiasm for the game, making them dynamic additions to our organization. Tune in to our YouTube channel to witness their impact firsthand!

Jon Sanders

Jon has been passionate about basketball since he was a young kid. Whether it was shooting hoops with his buddies after school or staying up late to watch the latest NBA games, his love for the sport hasn't dwindled. He knows everything there is about the game, from stats to players' style of play. Jon's enthusiasm and knowledge make him the go-to guy for commentary and analysis. That's what led him to our basketball program, where he's the head emcee for all of our games. He's also a talented video content creator, and his videos on trends and trick-shots have amassed a huge following. His charisma and entertaining approach make him a fan favorite, and his contributions to our program have been invaluable.
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