
We apologize for the current unavailability of spots at Limitless Hoops, but we have a solution for you! Joining our waitlist ensures you'll have the first opportunity to secure available spots as soon as they open up.

Our waitlist tryouts are held annually in March, so please mark your calendar and be prepared for the tryouts during that time. It's an important step in securing a spot on our roster and becoming part of our basketball community.

To maintain an active and committed team, we have a policy that current players must attend at least one event per quarter to keep their roster spot. Failure to do so will result in their spot being forfeited to a waitlist member without a refund. This policy guarantees that all spots are filled by dedicated players who actively contribute to the team.

Even if it appears that spots are currently open, we strongly encourage you to join the waitlist. This ensures that you'll be promptly notified and have the opportunity to secure your spot in case of any unforeseen circumstances or if current players do not meet their commitment.

At Limitless Hoops, we're excited to welcome individuals like you to our vibrant community. We highly value your passion and enthusiasm for basketball, and we look forward to having you join us when the time is right.

As a gesture of our appreciation for your patience, we're offering a discount on your future tryout and registration fees. We want to make your journey with Limitless Hoops not only fulfilling but also financially rewarding.

Thank you for understanding and cooperating with us by joining our waitlist. Together, we will create incredible memories on the court and build a strong basketball community.