
Our Mommy & Me fitness classes cater to a variety of stages including prenatal, postnatal, and infant, and are specifically designed to create a fun, safe, and challenging workout for both moms and babies.



For our prenatal Barre class, we focus on gentle exercises that help to increase flexibility, balance, and strength during pregnancy. We incorporate modifications for the changing body of moms-to-be and utilize light weights and resistance bands to maintain tone and muscle strength. Babies can still participate by providing a light anchor for exercises such as wall sits and squats.

Our postnatal Barre class is more challenging, but still accommodating to the needs of new moms. We focus on strengthening and toning muscles that may have weakened during pregnancy, especially the core, back and pelvic floor. Babies are safely stowed in carriers or lying down during exercises such as planks, squats, and lunges. The incorporation of music with upbeat tempos makes for an engaging and energizing class.

For our infant stage class, we offer a bonding experience for moms and their babies. This class is designed to introduce babies (typically 6 weeks to 6 months) to the benefits of movement, encouraging flexibility and coordination development. During classes, moms blend gentle stretches and toning exercises with crawling, rolling and other playful movements with their kids. Benefits extend beyond physical wellness as it nurtures mental and emotional growth through socialization with other moms.

Throughout each of our classes, our skilled instructors guide you through a workout that is both safe and effective for mom and baby. With each class, you’ll not only experience the true full-body benefits of Barre, but also bond with your baby and your fellow fit moms. Our holistic approach has been praised by many moms for improving physical, mental and emotional well-being, and has made our classes a staple in the community for moms looking for a creative and rewarding fitness solution.


Our Mommy & Me HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) fitness classes offer a fun and challenging workout that cater to three stages - prenatal, postnatal, and infant.

For our prenatal HIIT class, we focus on low-impact exercises to keep moms-to-be moving and to stay safe during pregnancy. We incorporate a range of bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges, and planks, that are modified to reduce the risk of any injuries while maintaining strength. Babies can still participate by accompanying their moms through smaller range of motion movements such as marching, leg lifts, or single arm raises.

Our postnatal HIIT class is designed to not only help moms regain their fitness, but also ease their way back into workout routines. We focus on functional movements that align with the mom's daily activities and incorporate high-intensity intervals that follow a work/rest structure. Modifications for core and pelvic floor integrity are observed throughout each class. Moms can still bring their babies to this class and wear them in a carrier while executing the exercises.

For our infant stage class, we offer movements that focus on early developmental milestones such as rolling, crawling, and balance. With a focus on playtime and body movement, we help with motor skills and coordination development for their infants. This break in the day for moms also acts as as opportunity to bond with their child and cultivate a healthier routine for both.

HIIT is excellent for burning calories, improving cardiovascular endurance and building up physical and mental strength. Our experienced trainers guide participants through each class to ensure the safety of both the mom and baby. You’ll leave each class revitalized and energized, and can feel confident in achieving the fitness goals that are set before you. With our Mommy & Me approach, the little ones grow familiar with the gym environment and adopt wellness as a positive behavior. Our classes give the perfect balance of being able to focus and dedicate time to yourself while keeping a bond with your child.


Our Mommy & Me Pilates fitness classes cater to a variety of stages including prenatal, postnatal, and infant, and are specifically designed to create a fun, safe, and challenging workout for both moms and babies.

For our prenatal Pilates class, we focus on gentle exercises that help to increase flexibility, balance, and strength during pregnancy. We incorporate modifications to support the unique needs of moms-to-be and utilize props such as stability balls, foam rollers, and straps to maintain tone and muscle strength. Additionally, we incorporate breathing techniques to help mothers prepare for labor and delivery. Babies can still participate by lying down or performing gentle movements on the mat with their moms.

Our postnatal Pilates class is designed to help new moms regain strength and flexibility post-birth. We focus on exercises that help to realign and tighten muscles that may have become weakened during pregnancy, particularly the core, pelvic floor, and back muscles. For this class, babies can either be lying down or placed in a position that allows moms to safely engage in exercises such as planks, bridges, and hip lifts.

For our infant stage class, we offer a bonding experience for moms and their babies. This class is designed to introduce babies (typically 6 weeks to 6 months) to the benefits of movement, encouraging flexibility and coordination development. Moms blend gentle stretches and toning exercises with crawling, rolling, and other playful movements. Babies can also be incorporated into certain exercises and stretches, such as being used as weight resistance.

Pilates is excellent for building core strength, improving posture, and promoting relaxation. Our classes help improve coordination and mental focus while minimising stress levels. Our experienced instructors ensure that all exercises are performed safely to accommodate all participants. This includes moms-to-be, new moms, and their babies. The incorporation of babies into our workout routines encourages bonding and develops a sense of community and acceptance among participants.

Our Mommy & Me Pilates classes are a great way to stay fit while bonding with your child. It's important for mums to take time for themselves and by doing so, teach important values in wellness and healthy lifestyles to their children.


Our Mommy & Me Yoga classes provide a calm and nurturing space for moms-to-be, new moms, and their babies. Our classes are divided into prenatal, postnatal, and infant stages, ensuring that participants receive tailored workouts that suit their unique stage.

For our prenatal yoga class, we focus on gentle movements that improve circulation, flexibility, and relaxation. We incorporate breathing and meditation techniques that help to prepare way for the baby's arrival. Additionally, we modify traditional yoga poses to ensure that mothers-to-be are safe and comfortable throughout the session. For this class, babies can be gently rocked or swayed to provide a calming environment.

Our postnatal yoga class is designed to help new moms regain strength and flexibility while promoting relaxation and recovery. We focus on strengthening the core, back, and pelvic floor muscles while incorporating gentle postures to support emotional well-being. For this class, babies can either be placed in a safe and comfortable position or held by their moms during certain yoga poses.

For our infant stage class, we offer a nurturing and calming class designed to promote development and bonding. Our classes enhance coordination, flexibility, and relaxation. Moms and babies participate in interactive sessions that teach foundational yoga poses in an energetic and playful environment. Additionally, we introduce babies to gentle massage, which helps to soothe their digestive and respiratory systems.

Yoga is excellent for reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and building flexibility, balance, and inner strength. Our classes are led by experienced instructors who are committed to creating a nurturing environment for all participants, ensuring safety and comfort throughout each session. The incorporation of babies encourages a strong bond between mother and child, and provides an opportunity to develop a sense of community and acceptance among participants.

Our Mommy & Me Yoga classes give a perfect balance of being able to focus on oneself while being able to bond and nurture the child. It nurtures the psyche and the soul and promotes a healthy lifestyle and encapsulates a culture of wellness that both the mother and child will carry throughout their lives.


Our Mommy & Me Zumba classes provide a fun and energetic workout for moms-to-be, new moms, and their babies. Our classes are divided into prenatal, postnatal, and infant stages, ensuring that participants receive tailored workouts that suit their unique stage.

For our prenatal Zumba class, we focus on low-impact movements that improve circulation, stamina, and overall health. We incorporate modified dance moves that are safe and comfortable for expectant mothers. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of hydration and rest to support the baby's growth and development. For this class, babies can be gently rocked or swayed to provide a calming environment.

Our postnatal Zumba class focuses on fun and lively dance moves that help new moms regain energy, strength, and confidence. We encourage moms to bring their babies to class and incorporate them into exercises such as squats and arm curls. Additionally, we incorporate core strengthening exercises that support the pelvic floor and restore abdominal muscles.

For our infant stage class, we offer an interactive and engaging class designed to introduce babies to music and movement. We focus on gentle movements that promote coordination, balance, and sensory development. Moms and babies dance together to lively and upbeat music, encouraging bonding and playtime that elevate the mood.

Zumba is a high-energy dance workout that is excellent for improving cardiovascular health, enhancing coordination, and promoting mental health. Our classes feature music from various cultures and offer a fun and engaging workout that is suitable for moms-to-be, new moms, and babies. The incorporation of babies into our workout routines encourages bonding and provides a playful and interactive environment that promotes engaging with your child through music and dance.

Our Mommy & Me Zumba classes offer a safe and supportive environment where moms can connect with their babies while having fun and getting fit. It promotes emotional and physical well-being in both mother and child, establishing healthy lifestyle habits that last a lifetime.